Funds take the high road over Deliveroo – Daily Mail (This is Money)

Commenting on the shunning of the Deliveroo flotation by leading institutional investors because of corporate governance concerns, Alex Brummer drew attention to Guy Jubb’s intervention ‘at the annual meeting of the biggest beasts, including Shell, to expose governance breaches’ before he retired from Standard Life Investments and he encouraged todays fund managers to spend more time investigating governance breaches.

The Future of the AGM – University of Oxford Business Law Blog

This blog, written jointly with Michael Kind and Lily Tomson, comments on recommendations by ShareAction to transform AGMs from staid, sparse, and perfunctory events, into a genuinely helpful arena for companies, investors, and stakeholders to address the challenges they collectively face. The writers urge their fellow investors, company representatives, stakeholders, and policymakers to grasp the nettle and rise to the challenge by taking steps to deliver their vision for the AGM of the future.